Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre Perpetuates Elder, Wife Abuse


An elderly Ottawa woman has become disabled owing to neglect by her husband after her son and primary caregiver was barred from the home by her husband with the support of the police.

The Nepean, Rideau & Osgoode Community Resource Centre were alerted to the situation, but have denied the woman access to a lawyer on their premises, later denying that they had done so, despite clear evidence to the contrary [VIDEO ABOVE].

A son seeks to enforce his mother’s rights

After hearing disturbing reports from neighbours regarding his mother’s state of health and the low level of care she was receiving, the man approached the Nepean, RideauOsgoode Community Resource Centre in the hope of facilitating a meeting between himself, his mother and a lawyer.

The assigned social worker, Ms Timmons, confirmed that the man’s mother, Mrs Dezrin, had signified that she wished to see her son despite her husband’s attempts to keep them apart. However, since the woman has become disabled to the point where she can no longer walk or speak, and her son continued to be barred from entering her home by her husband, special arrangements had to be made.

No legal recourse for disabled woman

In a video recorded conversation from a speaker phone, Ms Timmons confirms that a meeting at the community centre has been arranged, but categorically refused to allow a lawyer to be present at the meeting.

At a later date, Ms Timmons would sign an affidavit denying that she refused Ms Dezrin access to a lawyer at the meeting. In the recorded conversation, Ms Timmons confirms that the exclusion of a lawyer from the meeting was the decision of the Community Resource Centre rather than that of Ms Dezrin.

Healthcare professionals recommend adequate care

Ms Dezrin’s son remains to be deeply concerned about the deterioration in her condition since her husband assumed the role of caregiver. It also apparent from the recorded conversation that the centre was ‘unaware’ of a hospital recommendation that Ms Dezrin be referred to a center where she could receive critically needed speech therapy and other related care.

Do Canadian women have rights if they are disabled?

Mrs Dezrin signified that she would like to see her son at least once a week. The social worker did not indicate that she perceived anything wrong with a situation in which a husband could prevent a disabled mother from having access to her son within her own home. After a meeting on the 12th of June, the Centre then issued a letter that it would not facilitate further meetings and that Mrs Dezrin’s son should no longer contact the Centre for help. In emails obtained by The Canadian, it's apparent that the Centre had been delated by the Ottawa Police to facilitate ongoing get togethers betweeb Ms. Dezrin and her son, and that the letter issued by the Centre was an abdication of their social responsibilities to Ms. Dezrin under Ontario's disability access laws; and a corresponding breach of the Centre's supposed socially facilitative not-for-profit mandate advertised on their website.

Care, family access and legal recourse denied by husband – supported by authorities

Simply put, a disabled woman is being neglected with the apparent complicity of police and social services, while her son has desperately sought to obtain adequate care for her.

In addition, the woman’s expressed wish to be allowed regular access to her son is being denied by her husband, the police and social services. Her son wishes to provide legal recourse to rectify the situation, but Ms Dezrin is being denied legal assistance.

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