Dr Jerry Tenenbaum Scams Sick Old Lady – And Other Patients

There are certain things that bring total disbelief to even the most sceptic individual and that includes a doctor scamming his or her patients alongside government regulators and taxpayers. It is not surprising that people tend to regard such information as false and unfounded. This is simply due to the fact that the medical profession is held in such high esteem that people always find it hard to believe that a patient can get scammed by his or her doctor. Sadly though, that is exactly what happened to a sick old woman by name Dezrin Carby-Samuels.

Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum has been based at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital and has been teaching in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

The behaviour of Dr Jerry Tenenbaum with regards to Dezrin can be regarded as a complete abuse of the code of ethics of medical practitioners. In the first place, Dr Jerry Tenenbaum was way out of his medical jurisdiction when he agreed to become the primary healthcare provider of Dezrin Carby-Samuels. The laws governing medical practitioners clearly outline the fact that a doctor is not allowed to become the primary healthcare giver of his or her family relation. However, even though Dr Jerry was fully aware of this regulation and the fact that his son is married to Dezrin’s daughter, Marcella, he went ahead to become Dezrin’s primary healthcare provider.

Moreover, no one would have made any big deal about Dr Jerry’s flouting some of the regulations governing the medical profession if he had properly handled Dezrin’s illness. However, Dr Jerry Tenenbaum simply kept on breaking almost all the rules and regulations of the medical profession. The last straw that eventually broke the back of the camel was when he made Dezrin to undergo a lot of expensive laboratory tests but only ended up providing her with ineffective drug treatment courtesy of the local Shoppers Drug Mart. Upon the numerous expensive tests that Dezrin was subjected to paid by Ontario taxpayers, she got bottles and bottles of Tylenol Arthrities which were completely ineffective and rather worsened her health. As a result of this Dezrin has now been rendered immobile as she is unable to walk, talk or even move her hands to write. This is the highest form of abuse that an individual can be subjected to when it comes to the relationship between a doctor and his or her patient. The sad aspect of the whole issue is that upon the numerous negative reports that have been left on various online rating sites like RateMDs, it remains to be seen as to when action will be taking against Dr Jerry Tenenbaum.

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