Jerry Tenenbaum’s Medical Malpractice Abuses Canada's Public Healthcare System

Medical malpractices are one of the main problems that confront the medical profession on a daily basis. Although there are numerous rules and regulations that have been put in place to ensure that doctors are always kept in check, there are still numerous reports going round of doctors glaringly breaching these rules and regulations. One of such high profile case of medical malpractice is that of Dr Jerry Tenenbaum and his patient, Dezrin Carby-Samuels.

Before Dezrin’s case even came up, Dr Jerry Tenenbaum has always been a doctor with a lot of question marks against him. In most of the reviews left by his patients on, he was accused of having no empatjy for his patients, being rude to them and also having little time for his patients. For a doctor with such negative reviews against his name, it comes as no surprise how he has managed to assist Dezrin’s condition to deteriorate to the extent that she is now bedridden.

The behaviour of Dr Jerry Tenenbaum and other similar doctors in the medical profession really needs to be checked if the government is really serious about getting the greater number of the Canadian populace fit and healthy. If going to the hospital for treatment can lead to an individual’s medical condition worsening, then what is the essence of putting such institutions in place?

A lot of human lives are lost on a daily basis as a result of the negligence and outright disregard for human life by doctors such as Dr Jerry Tenenbaum and this in one way or the other greatly affects the general outlook of the economy. It is therefore about time that something drastic is done about the countless medical malpractices of Dr Jerry Tenenbaum and his cohorts are checked as soon as possible in order to save many lives and millions of dollars as a result of the exploitive behaviour of such doctors against our universal public healthcare system.

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