Petition Grows to Nearly 1000 Against Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum

Jerry Tenenbaum was authorized to practice medicine in Canada so he could use his skills to make patients better to the best of his abilities.  But, it appears that based upon online reviews, Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum has upset a lot of patients.  Some doctors may have used such constructive criticism to atone and redress problems observed by patients.  However, in response to negative online feedback there appears to have been attempts to destroy such reviews while orchestrating contrived positive views designed to manipulate readers.

Jerry Tenenbaum has been responsible for such negligent behaviour that the door of his doctor's office ought to have a disclaimer much like those placed on cigarette packs that are used to warn smokers.

For over two years Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum poked and prodded Dezrin Carby-Samuels through a series of tests.  He promised treatment.  However, after all this wait as Dezrin went into decline from waiting for treatment, do you know what she got?  Dezrin was prescribed Tylenol – bottles and bottles of Tylenol Arthritis to apparently numb the pain of Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's apparent incompetence.

Faced with an investigation by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, do you know what he did?  He lied that he was ever Dezrin's doctor.  But in the same report, he admitted to providing her with “referrals”.  Well, how does a doctor provide “referrals” to someone who isn't his patient.

Jerry Tenenbaum's entourage is not stranger to lies and deception.  Jerry's son and Marcella, his daughter-in-law kept different surnames to enable his daughter-in-law to deceive LundLund University in Sweden that they weren't married when she was accepted into their PhD programme.
Marcella then commandeered Dezrin away from a naturopath that was making her better into the negligent hands of Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum.

Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum while focused on collecting data that he could use for his University of Toronto research, and Marcella presided over the abuse of Dezrin by her husband.  The result of Dezrin not getting required treatment from Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum and his failure to safeguard Dezrin's overall well being is that Dezrin can no longer walk, talk or write.

Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's entourage which include Marcella and Horace concocted a lie that Raymond, who is Dezrin's son, has been suffering from “mental illness” so that Raymond could be blocked from safeguarding his Mom from Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's negligence and apparent scheme to perpetuate the use of Dezrin as a guinea pig for his scientific research at the University of Toronto.

Help support the re-unting of Raymond with his Mother against the lies and deception of Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's entourage.

Nearly 1000 people have signed the online petition here -

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