Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum Scams Patients - Evil Man Uses Them Like Lab Rats

Do you have some form of aches, pains or other ailment and you seek to get better? If you did, arguably, Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum would not be your best choice. This doctor who has been based at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital and who also teaches at the University of Toronto has violated medical ethics and appears to treat his patients as lab rat.

Typically, when a patient goes to a doctor for some kind of medical problem, he or she hopes that doctor has the best interest at heart and will make her or him better. However, it is apparent that providing treatment has note been the focus of both Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's medical practices in Toronto and Victoria, British Columbia as revealed by RateMDs.com. In response to numerous complaints, it is apparent that rather than change his ways, Dr. Tenenbaum has sought to manipulate RateMDs by getting hired agents to post artificially glowing reports about him.

Here's one such published comment from one of his “satisfied” clients in Toronto. [watch above video]

“During my last visit to this doctor, I feel that he rushed things up. I thought the doctor would have discussed about the treatment with me a little bit longer but he did not. My meeting with him only did not even last for about 5 minutes before I went out of his office. I thought also he would have showed interest but he did not. I wouldn’t recommend this doctor to anyone.”

Two typical examples of comments by actual former patients at his Victoria practice is the following:

“... [H]is bedside manner leaves a lot to desire. He's brisk, does not like to elucidate on anything... [H]e only spends the shortest time possible with a patient to fit in as many as possible when he's in town.”

“Rude, arrogant, over-books his patients to the point that his office should have a revolving door because you're in one minute and out the next. Will give you only a minute for your appointment but book you in to see him at at least 3 X a week so he gets the visit billing but does nothing for your illness. After seeing him a half dozen times, and his misdiagnosis from the beginning, he tells me, as he is escorting me to the front reception, that I now have full-blown RA and will just have to "live with it". I asked him how long 'till I am unable to walk at all and he announces in a loud voice, in front of everyone in the waiting area, that if I was going to have that kind of negative attitude, I would have to get another doctor. So, I said, "You got it buddy, YOU'RE FIRED!", and I got referred to Dr. de Champlain, who is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL and the RA is now under control and I am dancing, running, and generally doing everything that I could do before the onset of this disease.”

It is apparent that the focus of Jerry Tenenbaum's is to collect data for his research papers and not to get his patients better and he doesn't seem to care about how many patient lives he destroys, and what ethical violations he breaches.

Let me reveal to you just how bad Dr. Tenenbaum is. The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has strict guidelines against doctors in the province providing extended treatment to close family relations. This is because of mutually compromised judgement on both the doctor and patient side that would result.

However, this did not stop Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum. When he found out the mother of this daughter-in-law had a medical condition that related to his research, he was only too willing to “help”. So, for more than two years, Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum conducted numerous dead-end tests on Dezrin Carby-Samuels. While he treated Dezrin as a lab rate, he continued to deceive her that he was seeking to “help” her. However, as Dr Tenenbaum poked and prodded her, he made Dezrin's life worse.

One of this apparent evil man's test was to prescribe Dezrin nasal spray after he was emphatically warned about a previous adverse reaction many years ago. However, this did not stop Dr. Tenenbaum uses of Dezrin for his “science project”. The result of Dezrin feeling obliged to follow the dubious prescription of Dr. Tenenbaum was the development of chronic high blood pressure that she never had in her life.

Then, Dr. Tenenbaum prescribed numerous bottles of Tylenol Arthritis that was sent to Dezrin through Marcella Carby-Samuels – his daughter-in-law and “carrier pigeon” which then in turn caused other unpalatable side-effects.

Raymond Carby-Samuels, who is Dezrin's son, for a period of several weeks, brought Dezrin to another doctor who was making Dezrin much better.

When Dr. Tenenbaum heard about this, he appears to have gotten very upset that a subject for his science project was getting away from him.

So, Dr. Tenenbaum then conspired with his daughter in law to intimidate Dezrin to return to him as the “primary care physician” and further conspired with Marcella to hire an apparent dirty cop named Detective Robert Griffin to threaten Raymond not to try to see his Mother against or he would be subject to “criminal harassment” .

Raymond had been the primary care provider for his Mom. However, it is apparent that Dr. Tenenbaun also viewed the assistance that Raymond was providing to his Mom was undermining the decline he sought for Dezrin so that he could collect further data.

After Dr. Tenenbaum along with his operatives had prevented alternative treatment for Dezrin, and got Raymond out of Dezrin's life as of April 2015, Dezrin went into a sharp decline in health that Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum apparently sought.

Dezrin suffering from the trauma of no longer being able to see her son, within less than four weeks lost the ability to talk, write or walk. Dezrin was also denied social service access to medical treatment from late April 2015 into June 2015 when Dezrin lost the ability to talk, write and walk, and this was all under the auspices of Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum as Dezrin's so-called “primary care physician”.

It is very ironic that a Holocaust survivor like Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum would subject Dezrin such medical experimentation reminiscent of the evil of 1930's Nazi Germany.

Perhaps Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum ought to have been thinking of the notorious Dr. Joseph Mengele and his hideous medical experiments in the name of “science” during Nazi Germany, before he decided to poke and prod Dezrin, along with his other patients; as he also presided over the sought social isolation of Dezrin.

Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's apparent profound infliction of medical malpractice against Dezrin and corresponding published maltreatment of other patients begs a few questions. The first one is why is this doctor still practicing medicine at Mount Sinai? How can a doctor who violates such medical ethics be allowed by the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine to continue to teach at such a venerated institution?

How can a Holocaust Survivor show such callous disregard to the lives of his patients using his patients as apparent lab rats? How can a doctor in general be responsible for such evil and intrigue in the name of|”science?

Perhaps the most important question might be when is this doctor going to do the honourable thing and resign for having destroyed the lives of his patients and the families who love them? However, expecting such a resignation would not be realistic for the destruction Dr. Tenenbaum has caused including blocked visitation access against Dezrin because it is apparent that Dr. Tenenbaum lacks the honour and social responsibility that is a valued characteristic of the medical profession. Dr. Tenenbaum primary motivation for continuing to pursue medicine appears to be self-aggrandizement and not vigorously pursuing the treatment of his patients.

So, if you are thinking of bringing your own Mother, Father or other loved one to Dr. Tenenbaum, the best advice might be to run as far as you can, if your intention is not to become a victim like Dezrin and so many other patients before her.

If Dr. Tenenbaum would be as callous as he has been to Dezrin who his very own family relation, just think what he might do for your loved one!

It is apparent that Dezrin's quality of life would have been much better today if she had gone to a Dr. de Champlain, based upon the reported experience of one of Dr. Tenenbaum's former patients in Victoria, or, arguably every other doctor who Dezrin could have seen.

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