Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum and His Entourage: Start Respecting Human Rights Now

It is an inviolable fundamental rights for every law-abiding adult to see who they want, when they want.  This is a rights that is supposed to be available to all Canadians.  Yet, Dr Tenenbaum's entourage has sought to deny that right to Dezrin Carby-Samuels who for more than one year, has not been able to see Raymond her son, and other people who have been prevented from doing so.  The result of the activities of Dr. Tenenbaum's entourage that has apparently sought to treat Dezrin as a human guinea pig, is that Dezrin can no longer write, talk or walk.

You can help take a stand against this atrocity by first reading, and if you too are outraged, signing the petitions.  Help take a stand at this outrage that has defied a court Order of Superior Court Justice Patrick Smith on 11 February 2016.

Help circulate these petitions widely on your social media channels.

Support PETITIONS here --



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