Petition: Day 516 – Ottawa's Horace Carby-Samuels Oppresses Wife's Rights


The website helps to illuminate the kind of elderly spousal abuse that Dezrin Carby-Sanuels has experienced now for more than 500 days at the hands of Horace Carby-Samuels who is her husband.  Dezrin can no longer walk, talk and write thank to abuse and neglect by Horace and Marcella, who is his daughter.

Raymond had sought to take care of his Mother at home but was unlawfully evicted by Horace who had begun to inflict Dezrin with abuse and neglect.

At The Canadian, we have attached a photo of what Dezrin looked like when Raymond was looking after her and what she looked like after just a few weeks.

"In some countries – particularly in third world countries – children prefer to keep their aging parents at home. The idea of putting them in seniors’ facilities goes against family tradition. In industrialized countries like England, United States and Canada, elderly people who have lost their autonomy and have to rely entirely on someone to help them with their basic routines are put in special care homes: first, their children have lives and families of their own and second, elderly spouses are unable to give each other the type of assistance – physical and psychological – in their advanced years."

This article elaborates the following context:

"The loneliness of old age is probably the saddest reality that younger people are not aware of. Adult children who have elderly parents with either spouse providing the care must bear one thing in mind: their father or mother could be the victim of spousal abuse in the elderly. This is confirmed by a study undertaken by the University of Pittsburgh last year and published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society."

During this time, Dezrin has experienced profound verbal / psychological abuse.

"A February 2005 study cited by Karen Hoffman revealed that a team of researchers in the University of Pittsburgh found that if a spouse is the caregiver, this could be fertile grounds for abuse, especially when the care-giving spouse has his own physical or mental problems to grapple with. What happens is that because caregiving generates stress, the spouses break down. The mental wear and tear becomes too much to bear, according to Scott Beach of the Pittsburgh Medical Center, that the caregiving spouse ends up screaming, yelling, using a harsh tone of voice, insulting and calling the other person names. Some care recipients have admitted to receiving this kind of verbal abuse from their spouses. This verbal abuse, if not checked in time, could lead to physical abuse and may even prove fatal."

Raymond had sought to obtain visitation acces at 30 Jarlan Terrace where his Mom has been held by Horace who simply ignored Justice Patrick's Smith Order that was issued on 11 February 2016.  Raymond appeals to members of the public to help support the liberation of Dezrin who has been rendered physically incapacitated by Horace's abuse and negligence.

Support an online petition against her abusive husband.

Or, make a donation here -

Look at the above video to see Raymond being blocked from seeing his Mom having received a court Order on 11 February 2016.

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