Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre Scandal Erupts

If you thought that the intrigue surrounding Mike Duffy, and other Conservative Party senators was the worse scandal to hit Ottawa this year that is probably because you have not heard of one involving one particular intake social worker who is affiliated with the Nepean, Rideau & Osgoode Community Resource Centre (NROCRC). These well known scandals plastered over the local Ottawa and Canadian mainstream media involved breaches of public trust but did not threaten human life in contrast with the apparent activities of the NROCRC.

Shortly after mid-April 2015, the NROCRC was directed to contact the son of an elderly and disabled senior citizen who has lived in Kanata. The son had been the primary care giver of his Mom. She had been forcibly separated from her son by an apparent abusive husband who had become jealous of the son's presence as the care giver alongside his abuse. The son has been preparing meals and providing other support to his Mom alongside the father who became a “terror” in the house who in a rage almost severed the son's finger two years before.

Well, Ms. Timmons was apparently delegated with the responsibility to contact the son in a timely manner so that the son could resume his care-giving somehow. The Mom whose name is Dezrin had apparently told the Ottawa Police that she had wanted to see her son no less frequently than every weekend.

Can you believe that by the time Ms Timmons scheduled a meeting, Dezrin had lost her ability to speak and walk on her own,

after being able to still do household work and look after herself while the son was looking after her? Ms. Timmons did nothing for Dezrin for weeks, blaming her husband for blocking access. She blamed the father in a meeting that the son had with her after he had seen his Mom at their office on Merivale Road on 12 June 2015.

Ms. Timmons arranged a meeting at the offices of the NROCRC on 12 June 2015. This was several weeks after Dezrin had asked to be able to see her son regularly. The son cried uncontrollably during the meeting and for three days after seeing the state of his Mom who was essentially being forcibly confined by the husband. This apparent forcible confinement was being done under the apparent complicity of Ms Timmons' negligence as an intake worker of the NROCRC.

But this is only the beginning of the scandal. In preparation for that Meeting, the son wanted to bring a lawyer to act in defence of his Mom's rights. However. Ms Timmons told the son that she would not allow the lawyer present. She then lied in a written affidavit to have ever sought to block access. The video that shows the lack of integrity operating at the NROCRC has been published above. In this video, you will hear Ms Timmons emphatically blocking access to a now sick elderly woman that was being abused and psychologically tortured by her husband.

Has Ms. Timmons no empathy? What kind of a social worker would apparently turn a blind eye to affirming the civil rights of a sick, disabled and elderly woman? Much of Ms Timmons affidavit is apparent fiction and fully consistent with established lies that this video exposes.

But it gets even worse. On 15 June 2015, the NROCRC apparently acting in behalf of Dezrin's husband sent out a letter to the son indicating that he was never to contact the Centre again. Dezrin wanted to see her son, and nodded to her son when he asked his Mom if she wanted him to help make her better.

The son was told by City of Ottawa staff that his only recourse would be litigation. It was in response to his litigation that Ms. Timmons and the NROCRC apparently decided that lying was the best strategy to deal with a rather defenceless position. Unfortunately, they were unaware that their lies would be exposed by video tape.

Thanks to Ms. Timmons and the NROCRC working in concert with an abusive husband, the son has not seen his ailing Mom since 12 June 2015.

The son was not even able to wish his Mom a happy birthday on 21 August 2015 as he had always done every year with a jealous husband blocking access to Dezrin who now lacked the ability to walk and talk thanks to negligence.

Ms Timmons and the NROCRC show that it is possible for egos in a not-for-profit organization to sacrifice and threaten human life in a manner that is far worse than the kind of scandal that involved Mike Duffy and the other Conservative senators. The NROCRC not only violates disability access rights guaranteed bySection 15 of the Canadian Charter and Rights and Freedoms in addition to disability rights under Ontario statutory laws but also violates basic human decency that a supposed social services agency could not only turn such a blind eye against human suffering but also to lie in the process.

If you're seeking to support the Plaintiff against the NROCRC, make a PayPal donation on the red link above this article and your donation will be forwarded to the Plaintiff to help defray legal expenses brought about by the apparent activities of the NROCRC.  Alternatively, PayPal donations can be directly transferred to PayPal ID -  No donation is too small.  Help support social justice.

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