Ottawa Police, Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Resource Centre Abuse Elderly Woman's Rights


A Call to Action to Stop the Abuse of a Disabled Woman

When Dezrin (Carby-Samuels) was a young woman she helped others in her community through her job as a registered nurse and through her thoughtfulness and kindness toward others.  This wonderful mother never faltered in her commitment to her community and to her family.  Now, Dezrin is in poor health having lost the ability to walk and speak. It is the hope of those who care about Dezrin that the community she once cared for, that those with a passion for justice and that those with any compassion in their hearts at all will reach out to help her in her time of desperate need.

Dezrin communicates with her son by way of written messages.  One such message asked for his help.  It seems Dezrin’s husband has been neglectful and abusive and has even barred her, with some backing of the law, from seeing her son.  This is in spite of the fact that this loving woman has written requesting help and a visit from the son she loves dearly and who dearly loves and is concerned about his mother. 

Upon receiving this note Dezrin’s son took it to the Ottawa Police and the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre. Much to his surprise they refused to investigate.  This poor woman is essentially a prisoner of her health and the willfulness of her husband who refuses to allow her to leave the home or to receive visitors despite her clear wishes to the contrary.  Dezrin’s son had hoped a visit by one of the agencies or an investigation would cure this situation.  When this did not happen he tried to arrange a visit and obtain legal counsel through the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre.

While recording his conversation with the Centre he found that legal counsel would not be forthcoming.  The representative repeatedly and clearly denied this help.  She admits that this is the Centre’s decision.  However, in a later affidavit a representative denies that the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre ever declined to provide counsel.  Something is definitely wrong when an agency set up to help someone in this very type of situation is making contradictory statements while refusing to supply needed services that fall under its jurisdiction.

Clearly, Dezrin needs help.  Society cannot allow our elderly and disabled to be virtually held prisoner, with no outside persons allowed to simply do a wellness check or to just visit and say hello.  This is especially true when the disabled person has written a request for assistance.

If the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre is not going to step up then it is essential that another avenue be pursued.  Please consider signing our petition to try to stop these abuses and please consider a donation, no matter the size, to aid Dezrin in obtaining legal counsel by going here to donate.

Every day that Dezrin is hidden away is another day where she is being denied her rights, possibly injured, ignored, or maltreated in some way.  Please do not let this woman’s plea for help go unanswered, get involved, donate, and take action. Dezrin’s safety and wellbeing depend on her getting this assistance. Consider a donation today!

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